Know me better!!



As I've mentioned before my name is MysticPolygon, Mystic for short is fine.

I'm part of several projects, as I usually do some music, sometimes a bit of art and I even write from time to time, it depends on my interest at the moment.

I consider myself a reserved person, my free time is spent on the interests I mentioned and I have several ambitions.

I'm proud of what I am able to do today but I have as a goal to do much more, like learning to program and model (once I learn that I can rest in peace), as it gives me the satisfaction of allowing me to create absolutely everything I want without having to depend on anyone else. I don't like to ask for things because I feel that I didn't make any effort or dedication for what I get.

I tend to be a bit shy to approach people but it is thanks to people that I have had the opportunity to participate in great things and that encourages me to try to communicate more.



Some Facts

  • I am normally a very calm person who tries to get along with everyone.

  • I love alternate / non-existent reality games.

  • I really like the Webcore / Internetcore (as you can see).

  • I enjoy the good and original part of FNF and its community.

  • Some other things I enjoy are: Minecraft, Petscop, TF2, SCP, The Backrooms (without entities), analog horror, FNAF among other things.

  • My favorite musical duo is Daft Punk.

  • I spend a lot of time on Twitter despite not writing anything in the end, I guess I tend to be reserved with my opinion in general.

  • I'm an absolute novice in programming, although I would like to learn.

  • I am also interested in learning how to use Blender for my projects (very hard for me).





You can find me on Twitter and Discord mainly, although occasionally I appear on VRChat as well.


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1997 - Mystic / It's someone watching?